Monday, July 24, 2023

Book review: Winter in Paradise by Elin Hilderbrand

 Winter in Paradise (Paradise, #1)Winter in Paradise by Elin Hilderbrand
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What can I say? I love Elin Hilderbrand books!

The book was good, detailed enough you felt like you could picture it all but it wasn't overwhelming in its detail. All of the characters were relatable - especially given the events of the past year. The story moved at a good pace and didn't drag at all. The worst part is the ending and I will be highly critical of it - it will leave you extremely disappointed - but because you want to know what happens next and you may have to wait to get the next book in the series.

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Friday, July 21, 2023

Book Review: The Stolen Hours by Karen Sawn - 6 out of 5 stars!

 The Stolen Hours (The Wild Isle Series #2)The Stolen Hours by Karen Swan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have been waiting a year for this book - it is second in the series to come out. I will say that this one has also left the with no satisfaction and only burning questions about what happens next. The frustration and disappointment is real to know I will have to wait at least a year for more of the story to come is agonizing (but in the best way possible).
So if you want to be gripped on your seat, imagining life in a different time and place with an amazing love story - this is the book for you.
The literal only disappointment is knowing that it is going to be some time before there is another book. I finished this book in just over two days. It's a must read and honestly I would give this book a 6 star out of 5 rating.

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Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Book Review: Becoming Free Indeed: My Story of Disentangling Faith from Fear by Singer Duggar Vuolo

 Becoming Free Indeed: My Story of Disentangling Faith from FearBecoming Free Indeed: My Story of Disentangling Faith from Fear by Jinger Duggar Vuolo
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

So I wasn't sure what to expect - I heard briefly of the book and thought it was going to be a Duggar Family tell all - which it definitely wasn't. It was a mix of part tell-some Duggar and IBLP (Institute of Basic Life Principles) and part preaching. As someone who was raised in the Catholic church I was ready to throw the book down fairy early on as I didn't want to be preached to - especially as it relates to very conservative views. That being said having read this and then watching "Shiny Happy People" was .. eye opening in may ways.
Would I recommend it? Maybe. It was a quick and easy read, and once I took to heart that the MANY bible sections quoted were there to show how flawed some of the teachings within the IBLP had been vs. an attempt to preach to me it made it much easier to read.

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Sunday, June 25, 2023

Book review: Us Against You by Fredrik Backman


Us Against You (Beartown, #2)Us Against You by Fredrik Backman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read this book after watching a Man Called Otto - which was written by the same author. So .. the things you need to know if you didn't already is that this is the second book in the Beartown Series - which I did not know or understand when I started the book. As such, let me tell you the first 100ish pages was a real slug to read as there is a lot of details and I had trouble keeping the characters and their storylines straight; which I anticipate may hav been a problem even if I had read the first book.
(you know when you read the first in a series but then you take time between the novels and then come back to the book it's like you need time to nestle back into the community - well this one was slammed into the town and a lot of people)

However, once I committed to finish reading the book and put my mind to it and sorting out the characters it was totally worth it. It was just an amazing book with an amazing story. It touched my soul in many ways and has such important lessons. I loved the book and would LOVE to see this as a movie.
If you're looking for a summer (or winter) read that's a little more than fluff - that is deep and meaning this is the book. 10/10 recommend.

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Friday, June 2, 2023

Book Review: The Country Guesthouse by Robyn Carr

 The Country Guesthouse (Sullivan's Crossing, #5)The Country Guesthouse by Robyn Carr
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the continuation of the Sullivan's Crossing Series and boy does it land super well.
Unlike the last book (The best of us) which was difficult to navigate at some points if you don't remember the complicated tree that is Sullivans Crossing. This one makes it super easy to fall back into the town like no time has passed and you are nestled in with your favourite characters.
It is emotional, raw and has great points. While there is a good build up at the beginning I again feel like the end came way to swiftly - in other words there could have been more drawn out drama without making it feel unnecessary.
this is a 10/10 Recommended Reading!

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Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Book Review: The Best of Us by Robyn Carr

 The Best of Us (Sullivan's Crossing, #4)The Best of Us by Robyn Carr
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the 4th book in the Sullivan's Crossing Series. For me it lacked the heart pull that the other books had and changed the focus of the characters. It was almost like they weren't the same people inside anymore. My biggest problem is remembering the twisted connections between the characters from previous books. Of course Sully was the heart and a definite highlight in this book. To follow all the books in the story I almost needed a flow chart or family tree to remember and keep the connections straight.

That being said - the books reminded me that plans don't always turn out - but you ended up where you were meant to be. I do recommend the book - it's a good light and heart warming read. You may just have to review the previous book for a minute to keep things straight.

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Monday, March 20, 2023

Book Review: Spare by Prince Harry

SpareSpare by Prince Harry
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I don't know how to best write a review of this book. I started this almost right after it came out and it took me months to finish reading it. It was a struggle to get through the first half of the book - not because it was emotional or sad - it was poorly written. The latter stuff (late teens until he met MM) was good and interesting. But then the MM stuff - I love her, I loved the Netflix series, but the chapters with her seemed rushed, cramped and just trying to prove a point. Not sure what that point was but yeah.

The first half of his life the stories and chapters were short some merely lasting part of a page and often there was no explanation or rhyme or reason as to why different portions were included in the book. I seemed like someone had written down a bunch of memories on varying size post it notes and threw it together as the first half of the novel. I think that Prince Harry has such an interesting story and life that he could have shared - this just was not the best way of doing it. A lot of the controversy surrounding the book is misleading - I mean the part where he talks about loosing his virginity really isn't that exciting or scandalous. Further, where he talks about his number (something a military member should not do) does make sense and lend a light to his time serving in the military (although the specific number could have been left out).

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