Monday, June 27, 2011

Turning 30

So I just had my 30th birthday and I realized this last September.

Last September I realized that I have been spending my time moving through my life rather than living my life. I have done many amazing things in my life and I can say that I am truly blessed for the opportunities I have had but in all honesty I have not been really trying.

This is what originally started my drive to get back to the gym I wanted to start living my life but because I had let my weight and size spiral out of control I couldn't do a lot of the things I wanted to do.

So I made the decision to go back to the gym - something I really didn't think I could do. Then I did it and started doing it well. Then I signed up to run the half marathon on June 19 (Father's Day) but for a variety of reasons I stopped training and basically didn't run in the 5-6 weeks before the date and made the decision to pull for medical reasons and not run the race.

I accept the decision but regret it in ways. I know I could have made the 13.1 miles no problem - the real problem is that I wouldn't have been able to run or jog it and would have likely walked the entire way. I decided that is not what I wanted to do.

The problem is that this left me with lots of inner turmoil about not doing things because I didn't think I could do them - a particular problem because I had signed up to go skydiving with a friend for my birthday (one week after the half marathon).... and as time grew closer it was definitely something I didn't think I could do.

Then part way through the week I realized that I was over the weight restriction for tandem jumping but there was a chance that I would still be able to jump because I am fairly height weight proportionate.

Anyways I will have to come back and write more about that experience later but I did it and all I have to say is that it was the MOST amazing experience ever and I only live with two disappointments from the entire experience and honestly I can say from now it can't be that bad I jumped out of a plane!

Monday, March 7, 2011

ABC's of Cassandra!

I was inspired by a fellow blogger to post this! (Mission to a(nother) Marathon) (<-- a great blog that inspired me to start getting fit and run :) )

Age: 29 (in ~110 days I'll be 30)
Bed size: Queen... I would kill for a King right now!
Chore you hate: Kitty Litter or shoveling snow...
Dogs: Not now. I had one growing up Midnight!! she was the best!
Essential start of your day: My smoothie :)
Fav colour: I would have to say currently pink (which if you know me is very ODD!) a close second and used to be first is Emerald Green

Gold or silver: White Gold (or silver...)
Height: 5'9"
Instruments: Piano, saxophone (well .. I did play for one summer not really good but hey) recorder (yes I know everyone played them in elementary school but I played soprano, alto and tenor and I still have them) and drums (not kit drums but marching drums... oh yeah I'm so cool!)
Job title: Lawyer....

Kids: 1 - lil' C and she's da best!

Live: Manitoba, Canada
Mom’s name: Irene (she'll likely kill me for this picture... good thing she is currently an 8+ hour flight away... and in her defense this was for Halloween with lil 'C)

Nicknames: Candy... but I haven't had anyone call me that since first or second year university.... other than that no one dares call me Cassie
Overnight hospital stays: Yup several :S
Pet peeve: noisy eaters/gum chewers... also people who smoke right out side the door ugh!
Quote from a movie: from How to Train your Dragon:

"Astrid: [Referring to Toothless] I bet he's really frightened right now... what are you gonna do about it?
Hiccup: Ehhh... probably something stupid.
Astrid: Good, but you've already done that.
Hiccup: Then something crazy...!
Astrid: That's more like it! "

ight or left handed: Right
Siblings: 1 older bro...

Time you wake up: ugh I would rather not admit that right now :) but I am trying to change it1
Underwear: Of course!
Veg you dislike: Red cabbage ugh - the mere thought of it - gross!
What makes you run late: Let me count the ways....
X-rays you have had done: Ankle and other ankle, wrist, back/neck, teeth.. (I have a tooth laying sideways in my jaw - strange but true), abdomen, chest.... would it be easier to say never my thighs :)
Yummy food you make: everything :)
Zoo, favorite animal: Ground hogs

Sunday, February 6, 2011


By Mother Teresa

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.

Life is beauty, admire it.

Life is bliss, taste it.

Life is a dream, realize it.

Life is a challenge, meet it.

Life is a duty, complete it.

Life is a game, play it.

Life is costly, care for it.

Life is wealth, keep it.

Life is love, enjoy it.

Life is mystery, know it.

Life is a promise, fulfill it.

Life is sorrow, overcome it.

Life is a song, sing it.

Life is a struggle, accept it.

Life is tragedy, confront it.

Life is an adventure, dare it.

Life is luck, make it.

Life is too precious, do not destroy it.

Life is life, fight for it.