Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Day 14- A picture of you and your family.

Well it's not a really good picture and it's from last halloween but the problem with photo lovers like my mom and I is that we are usually behind the camera. Although, I am sure that there are more pictures that my mom has. Anyways - this is Boo at the Zoo from last year (hence the animal hats for my parents - my devil horns well those are an everyday accessory for me :) )

This is one of my last pictures with lil C before she took off for her summer adventures.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.

Dear you,

I don't even think you realize that you hurt me and that you continue to do it. I wish I had the strength to break away from you entirely to stop the hurt but I don't. I know that you are using me to fill a part of your life and soon that will come to an end. I feel utterly disposable in your life. You turn to me when you need an opinion, a thought or someone just to listen to you, which is fine I need that in my life too and I turn to you for the same reason and I turn to my true friends for the same thing. Heck, one of my friends I value the most I haven't spoken to in a month because I've been so busy and she's been busy. The difference is that I know that at any moment when we need the other person we will be there.

You as a friend act differently and I know that soon this friendship will come to an end and you don't even seem to see or understand why. The worst part of this is that you continually try to change who you are to "reinvent" yourself to find something that you think will fulfill you rather than looking to your own life to see what you do have and how full your life already is.

I am frustrated and hurt and what's worse is I don't even think you know.

I hope that one day you realize this and I hope that you will find what you are looking for.


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day 12- How you found out about blogging and why you made one.

Day 12- How you found out about blogging and why you made one.

I don't remember how I first learned about blogging. However, one thing that I can remember about blogs and my thoughts was after hearing about the Julie/Julia Project

I know that a few members of a message board that I used to belong to also had blogs and I is one of their blogs that inspired me to start trying my own blog.

I started writing because I wanted to keep track of my new years resolutions. That project failed horribly (I am not so good with new years resolutions). The it became to track and be publicly accountable for my weight loss and exercise journal. The main reason why I continue to blog is to keep track of some of my thoughts, my journey through weight loss and also my cooking (because I would LOVE to be a full time chef).