Bucket List - 101 Things I Want to do

My Bucket List

101 Things I want to do with my one wild and precious life. Life is too short not to chase your dreams. A Bucket List is a way for you to recognize your dreams and goals, and make them happen. Here is a recorded list of all the things I want to do - short term and long term. I will be checking off each dream and goal as I achieve them. 

Usually bucket lists have been filled with wild and crazy aspirations like climbing Mount Everest. However, mine is much more than that it is a combination of the wild and crazy and the simpler dreams I have. 

Bucket List Index 

  1. Run a 5k 
  2. Run a half marathon
  3. Run a full marathon
  4. Scuba Dive on the coast of the Dominican Republic
  5. Hike - Elk Island Loop
  6. Hike - Pembina Rim Trail (completed 2024-10-10)
  7. Hike - Pinawa Channel Heritage Walk
  8. Hike - Top of the World Trail (completed 2024-09-18)
  9. Float - Pinawa Falls
  10. Float - Senkiew River
  11. Float - St. Malo
  12. Paddle - Caddy Lake Tunnel No. 1 (2024-08-19)
  13. Paddle - Caddy Lake Tunnel No. 2
  14. Hike - McGillivary Falls (2024-10-01)
  15. Hike - High Lake and Top of the World
  16. Hike - Lost Lake Trail route 1
  17. Paddle - Inglof from the start to dock
  18. Hike - Lost Lake Trail route 2
  19. Hike - Hunt Lake to the Swim point
  20. Hike - Hunt Lake full distance
  21. Hhike - Bear Lake
  22. Hike - Hanson Creek via Centennial Trail
  23. Hike - Hanson Creek & Ross Lake Trail
  24. Cook - A meal for 100 people

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