Thursday, February 6, 2025

I'm Back!

Bear Lake Hike 2024
  I cannot being to explain how happy I am to be back online - this has taken me months to get the blog working again. Well, actually that's not entirely true - I was trying to do something back in the fall when I was at the lake and in between hikes and one errant click of a mouse meant ... well anyways I tried to undo the things that were done and despite the help of the company to try and fix things it just never worked. I mean the blog was here and the main site was working but none of the links or anything was working and I was crushed to say the least. I have things on here from well over the last decade or two of my life and I was looking at my other options and was crushed. 

But the other day I decided that I couldn't just give up, that I know enough to know just slightly too much for someone who doesn't know a lot about internet, website hosting that if I could just figure out what wasn't working I could succeed. It seemed at first I would fail, I reached out for help and didn't get very far and I just tinkered a little bit more and then the worst part I had to wait. Now, let me tell you I'm not an entirely patient person all the time so waiting for 48 hours to see if my fixes would fix the problem was awful. BUT - guess what!? It's back and working I'm so happy. I am looking at other longer term solutions now for my stuff but for now I'm back and very excited!

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