Friday, July 21, 2023

Book Review: The Stolen Hours by Karen Sawn - 6 out of 5 stars!

 The Stolen Hours (The Wild Isle Series #2)The Stolen Hours by Karen Swan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have been waiting a year for this book - it is second in the series to come out. I will say that this one has also left the with no satisfaction and only burning questions about what happens next. The frustration and disappointment is real to know I will have to wait at least a year for more of the story to come is agonizing (but in the best way possible).
So if you want to be gripped on your seat, imagining life in a different time and place with an amazing love story - this is the book for you.
The literal only disappointment is knowing that it is going to be some time before there is another book. I finished this book in just over two days. It's a must read and honestly I would give this book a 6 star out of 5 rating.

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