Also if you notice my pictures aren't that great these past couple of days it is because I can't find my camera and have been using my blackberry to take pictures :( pray for it's safe return!
I really like this dish but would make some modifications next time. Also I did fry the pork off in a frying pan but then threw everything in the crockpot instead because I don't have a lid for my large frying pan AND I didn't have a dutch oven yet...however I have solved that problem :)
I would like to introduce my new kitchen friend. I got it on sale at Canadian Tire today ($49.99 at 50% so I am happy although I would never ever pay full price for anything from there again because this very item was on sale 65% off in the beginning of January...) I am very excited and can't wait to try this!

Pork Stew with Rotini

Ingredients (my modifications are in italics)
- Oil
- 1 lb. Pork roast, trimmed of fat and cut into 1 inch cubes
- Salt & Ppepr
- 2 garlic cloves minced
- 2 cups sliced carrot (1/2 inch pieces)
- 28 oz Diced Tomatoes
- 1 cup Tomato Juice
- 1 tsp Oregano
- 2 medum zucchini, halved lengthwise and sliced into 1/2" think pieces
- 3 cups Rotini
- 1 medium onion
- 1 cup sliced mushrooms
- 1/2 tsp basil
1. Oil in non-stick frying pan. Add pork and saute until it has some nice color. I also make sure that I coat it with some S&P to flavor before cooking and browning. (about 4 minutes)
2. Throw everything else EXCEPT the pasta until the crockpot. Then add the pork.
3. Turn on low and look cook all day.
4. About 20 minutes before you are ready to serve supper add about 1 cup of hot water to the slow cooker and add the pasta. Stir well and cover until pasta is tender.
I use a 3 quart crock pot to make this and I served this with Polenta instead of bread to help with the tomato sauce on the plate and it was delicious!